《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件

《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件

《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT课件

第一部分内容:Warming up

Have you ever been in a theatre?

What did you watch?

What do you know about making movies?

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A movie or a PlayPPT,第二部分内容:New words

1. involve   v. (使)参加; 包含

2. script     n. 剧本

3. director  n.  导演; 院长; 校长; 主任; 负责人

e.g. The director asks the actors to start acting. 


4. costume   n.   服装; 戏剧

5. background  n.   背景; 背景资料

e.g. Volunteers must have high education background. 


6. task   n. 任务; 工作

e.g. Can you finish the task quickly?  


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A movie or a PlayPPT,第三部分内容:Reading

1. Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F)

1. Most of the students in Ms. Cox’s class have been to a theatre before. (    )

2. Ms. Cox thinks making a short movie or a play will interest the students. (    )

3. We have to take care of lots of things when making a movie or a play. (    )

4. Actors are the people who direct movies.(    )

5. Some background research is necessary before making a movie.(    )

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. Do you know that ______? She _____ many songs in the past. (sing/singer)

2. Our English _______ also _______ us Chinese in our school. (teach/teacher)

3. _______ should be careful when they  ______ in the dark. (drive/driver)

4. James Cameron, a famous _______, ________ Avatar. (direct/director)

5. The director tells the ______ what to do and how to ____ in the movie. (act/actor)

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A movie or a PlayPPT,第四部分内容:Language Points

1. Most of you have seen movies or plays in a theatre, but have you ever been involved in making a movie or a play?

你们大多数人曾在剧院看过电影或戏剧, 但你们曾参加拍电影或演戏剧吗?

involve在本句中意思是“使参与; 使卷入; 牵扯”, 常搭配介词in或with。

e.g. That man likes to get involved in everything.


He became involved with the accident.


2. What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play?


do you think在本句中可看作是插入语, 因此回答这样的问题时, 要针对特殊疑问句作答。

e.g. –Where do you think we will have the meeting?

– Perhaps (we will have it) in our classroom.



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A movie or a PlayPPT,第五部分内容:Grammar


宾语补足语是一种补足宾语意义的句子成分。通常置于宾语之后, 用来说明宾语的特征、状态、动作等。常用作宾语补足语的有名词(短语)、形容词、介词短语、不定式、v.-ing形式等。

1. 有些动词可接名词(短语)作宾语补足语。如:make, call, name, think等。如:

They called their son Jack.

She thinks herself a great pianist. 

2. 有些动词可接形容词作宾语补足语。如: 

find, make, keep, get, think等。如:

He found his new job very boring.

The soft music makes us comfortable. 

3. 有些动词可接介词短语作宾语补足语。如:find, keep, leave等。如:

He found everything there in good order.

Mom left her handbag on the desk just now.

4. 有些动词可接不定式作宾语补足语。如:ask, help, tell, advise, want, teach等。如:

He wanted me to go to the movies with him.

The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 

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A movie or a PlayPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises

根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。

1. 玛丽认为那是一个好主意。

Mary ______________ that __ _____ _____. 

2. 锻炼能使你保持健康。

Exercising can keep ____ _______.

3. 他发现书在床底下。

He ______ the book ______ ___ ____.

4. 我姐姐每天教我画画。

My sister _______ me ___ ______ every day.

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A movie or a PlayPPT,第七部分内容:PROJECT


Divide your class into big groups. Throughout this unit, you will work with the same group to make a movie or a play for this special film and theatre festival.

As a group, choose a topic and brainstorm the main plot.

Decide what each student in the group 

will do. You will need:

One or two students to write the script.

One student to be the director.

One student to be the camera person (only if you’re making a movie).

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A movie or a PlayPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

If you are a director, think about what you want every scene to look like and make some notes and drawings.

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