《Gardening with Mary》Plant a Plant PPT教学课件

《Gardening with Mary》Plant a Plant PPT教学课件《Gardening with Mary》Plant a Plant PPT教学课件《Gardening with Mary》Plant a Plant PPT教学课件

《Gardening with Mary》Plant a Plant PPT教学课件


Talk about the questions.

What’s your favourite TV program?

Have you ever watched a program about gardening on TV?

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Gardening with MaryPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation

Learn some new words

channel  n. 频道

TV channel     

garden   n. 花园;菜园    

The Gardens are open from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

gardener   n. 园丁;园艺家 

He is a gardener.  

gardening   V. 从事园艺活动

He’s  very interested in gardening.

log v. 登录,记录

log onto    登录;登入

People often log onto websites to search for information.

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Gardening with MaryPPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1.have fun (in) doing sth.    做… …有趣

I have fun reading (read) the stroy book. 

On my way home, I have fun talking with my best friend. 

2. Mary Green will show you the best way to grow all kinds of plants. 

the best way to do sth.

=the best way of doing sth.


Joining the English club is the best way to improve my English.

Joining the English club is the best way of  improving my English.

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Gardening with MaryPPT,第四部分内容:Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper words.

1.She is reading a handbook on ____________ (园艺). 

2.This is boring—I’m going to switch to another ________(频道).

3.You’ll get there, and have ____ (乐趣) doing it. 

4.  _______(登录)onto our website and post your questions there.

5.We _______(种植) tomatoes  in the garden.

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Gardening with MaryPPT,第五部分内容:Summary


Phrases: log onto

Patterns: have fun (in) doing sth.

the best way to do sth.

=the best way of doing sth.

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Gardening with MaryPPT,第六部分内容:Homework:

Finish the activity book and the practice.

Copy the new words and phrases twice.

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