《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件

《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件

《Exploring English》Section ⅡPPT教学课件




1.The chairman said our socialism system is_____(独一无二的)and different from others.

2.He bought an_____(闹钟)clock with a pig face.

3.China’s Ministry of Commerce condemns(谴责) Trump’s stupid trade_____(行为).

4.Does such a change in attitude _____ real experiences in daily life? 

5.__________ is more important than technical skill.



1.confuse v.使困惑→ _____ adj.令人困惑的→confused adj.感到困惑的→confusion n.困惑,疑惑

2.behave v.表现,举止→ _____ n.行为,举止 

3._____v.显示,反映,思考 →reflection n.反映,思考,反射

4.creat v.创造→creative adj.有创造性的,有创造力的→creation n.创造力,创造→_____n.创造性,创造力



1._____number of……的数量

2._____the world  全世界

3._____ example  例如


5.burn_____   烧光

6.fill_____ 填充;填写




1.This is an electronic watch,so you needn’t__________.

2.When they arrived at home,they found their garage had ___________.

3.Can you __________some details(细节) in your career form?

4.There are many sources of air pollution;waste air from burning,___________.

5.Those journalists present at the 2018 Boao Forum for Asia were from__________.

6. __________The Belt and Road,Premier felt excited and raised his voice.

7.__________the students with a smart phone is small.

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Exploring English PPT,第二部分内容:核心要点探究

behavior n.行为;举止

(教材P15)If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and shameful behaviors the same?如果无害的(harmless)动作是有害的(harmful)动作的反义词,为什么shameless的行为和shameful的行为是一样的呢?

behave well/badly 行为规矩/不好,行为检点/不检点;表现好/不好

behave oneself  守规矩;有礼貌

behave as if…  举止好像……

behave towards/to   对……的态度

well­behaved adj.  行为端正的;乖乖的

①Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent’s behavior. 


②You should behave yourself in a proper way in public.你在公众场合应该守规矩。

③He had a dirty, ordinary boy’s face, but he__________(behave) as if he were an adult.他有一张又脏又普通的小孩脸,但行为举止却像一个大人。

④Don’t be so rude; that isn’t a nice way to behave_____your aunt!



Rui Yang is a well­behaved boy and behaves himself almost everywhere.But his neighbors are worried about his behaviors and they think Rui Yang sometimes behaves as if he is a little foolish and dull in front of others.The neighbors are criticizing his parents are too strict with him.


(教材P15)English was invented by people,not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race.


(1)reflect v.显示,反映;反射(声音或者光);思考


①Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?      

②People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.____

③The music room had been made to reflect and deepen sounds.__________

④She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.___________

(1)reflect sb./sth.(in sth.)(在……中)映出某人/某物的影像

reflect on/upon sth.  认真思考;沉思

(2)reflection n.  映像;反射

on/upon reflection  经再三思考

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