《Unit4 What can you do?》第二课时PPT课件

《Unit4 What can you do?》第二课时PPT课件《Unit4 What can you do?》第二课时PPT课件

《Unit4 What can you do?》第二课时PPT课件

What can you do at home, Amy?

I can sweep the floor, cook the meals and empty the trash.

Say and act

(In the classroom)

Teacher: What can you do for your mother?

Rose: I can play the piano and wash clothes  for   her.

Tom: I can buy sauce and clean the rooms for her.

Lily:  I can cook some delicious food for her.

Teacher: You’re all good children! 

Listen and write 

Teacher: What can you do, Chen Jie?

Chen: I can _________________.

Teacher: Amy, what can you do?

Amy: I can _________________.

Teacher: What can you do, Wu Yifan?

Wu: I can _________________.


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