《This is my sister》PPT课件3

《This is my sister》PPT课件3《This is my sister》PPT课件3

《This is my sister》PPT课件3

1. Father’s mother is _____________.

2. Mother’s father is ______________.

3. I’m Tony. This is my father. I’m his only ______.

4. Parents are_______ and ________.

5. Frank is my son, I’m not his father. I’m his _______.

6. I’m Linda, This is my mother. I’m her _________.

7. Jenny is my uncle’s daughter, she is my ________.

8. Frank is my cousin’s father, he is my_______.

9. Linda is my mother’s sister, she is my _______. Her son is my _________.

10. My aunt Emma and my mother are ________.

11. Cindy is my mother, Frank is my father, Cindy is Frank’s _____, Frank is Cindy’s _________.

… … …


A: Is this your sister?

B: Yes, she is. 

A: And is he your brother?

B: No, he isn’t. He’s my friend.

The names of family members: father, mother, parents, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, brother, sister…


1.___ is my mother. ___ is my father. They are teachers.

2.– Are these your brothers? – Yes, _____ are.

3. ___ name is Gina. __ am a student.

4. – What’s ____ name? – His name’s Tony.

5. – What’s his telephone number? – ____ is 643-0274.

… … …


1. Use the sentences we’ve learnt to make a new dialogue. 

2. Copy the new words and get ready for a dictation.

关键词:《This is my sister》教学课件,人教版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《This is my sister》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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