《How Tall Are You》第五课时PPT课件

《How Tall Are You》第五课时PPT课件《How Tall Are You》第五课时PPT课件

《How Tall Are You》第五课时PPT课件

Mike is taller than John.

John is taller than Wu Yifan.

Wu Yifan is taller than Oliver.

Who is the tallest?

… … …

Amy is thinner than Sarah.

Sarah is thinner than  Chenjie

Chenjie is thinner than Miss White.

Who is the heaviest?

… … …

Let’s talk

1.What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes?

2.How heavy is Wu Yifan?


1.用句子簿抄写B Let’s talk的句  子1次,并写上中文意思

2 背诵 let’talk

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