《How much are these socks?》PPT课件2

《How much are these socks?》PPT课件2《How much are these socks?》PPT课件2

《How much are these socks?》PPT课件2

Let’s chant:

My shirt is red. 

My jacket is blue. 

My dress is old. 

My sweater is new. 

Socks, my socks are white.

Shoes, my shoes are white, too.  

Pants, my pants are old. 

Shots, my shorts are new.

… … …


1. sock (复数) _______   2. shoe (复数) _______

3. dollar (复数) _______ 4. big (反义词) _______ 

5. long (反义词) ______ 6. white (反义词) _____

7. 多少钱 _____________ 8. 绿色的毛衣 _________

9. 红色的短裤 _________10. 怎么样?___________

11. 要我帮助吗?______12. 三美元两双 ________

13. 我将要买它(们)。________

… … …


1. 那顶帽子多少钱?____ _____ is that hat?

2. 五美元。_____ five  ______. 

3. 这件T恤衫多少钱?____ _____ __ this T-shirt?

4. 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱?八美元。

____ _____ is that ______ _______?

_____ eight _______.   

… … …


1. how much还可以用来询问数量的多少,但后面跟不可数名词。

e.g. — How much milk do you need?


— Two boxes. 两盒。

2. how much还可以用来询问程度的深浅。

e.g. How much do you love your school?


… … …


1. 复习记忆Grammar Focus部分的内容。

2. 你想买一个黑色书包上学用,模仿2d中的对话,编写一个与售货员的对话。

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