《When is your birthday?》PPT课件6

《When is your birthday?》PPT课件6《When is your birthday?》PPT课件6

《When is your birthday?》PPT课件6

Free talk 自由谈论

When is your father’s birthday?

His birthday is …

When is your mother’s birthday?

Her birthday is …

When is your friend’s birthday?

Her/ His birthday is…



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… … …


1. Do you have _____ Art Festival?  A. a    B. an  C. the 

2. There are ____ months in a year.  December is the _____ month.

A. twelve, twelfth  B. twelve, twelve C. twelfth, twelfth

3. —___ Lisa have a birthday party?  —No, she ____. 

A. Do, don’t.   B. Does, doesn’t   C. Do, does

4. My trousers are on the bed, but ______ on the sofa. 

A. Linda is    B. Linda are     C. Linda’s are 

5.My birthday is _____ August 2nd.

A. in     B. on    C. at

… … …


1. August 23rd, 2009 is her _____ (eight) birthday.

2. When is _______ (Jeff) birthday?

3. My birthday is July _________ (20).

4. How old ____ (be) William and Dick? 

5. ___________ (his mother) birthday is November 2nd.


Write about your family’s birthdays and your pets’birthdays.

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