《How much are these socks?》PPT课件3

《How much are these socks?》PPT课件3《How much are these socks?》PPT课件3

《How much are these socks?》PPT课件3

Write the numbers in 1a next to the correct words. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places? 

ten __  eleven __ twelve __  thirteen __  fourteen __ 

twenty-five __  twenty-six __ twenty-

seven __  twenty-eight __  twenty-nine __ 

twenty __  twenty-one __  twenty-two __

twenty-three __  twenty-four __  

fifteen __   sixteen __    seventeen __    

eighteen __   nineteen __ 

thirty __  thirty-one __  

… … …





Imagine you work at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Complete the conversation. 

You: Hello, ______ I help you?

Girl: Yes, please. I need a ______.

You: How about these purple ______.

Girl: Oh, I like this one. How ______ is it?

You: It’s only ______ dollars.

Girl: Oh, good. I’ll _____ it.

You: And what do you need? 

Boy: Well, I need a pair of black ____ for school. 

… … …

1. 基数词的表达

1) one到twelve, 拼写和读音无规律可言, 只能逐一记忆。

2) thirteen到nineteen,表示“十几”,在个位数后加后缀-teen,其中要注意thirteen, fifteen和eighteen的拼写。

3) twenty到ninety,表示“几十”,以ty结尾,但需注意twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty的拼写。 

2. 基数词的用法: 


one student  一名学生  

two boys 两名男孩

twenty apples  二十个苹果   

thirty-three eggs 三十三个鸡蛋

… … …


1. twenty-six – twelve – nine = _______

2. sixteen + eight + eleven = _________

3. eighteen – seven + fifteen = ___________

4. thirteen+fourteen-twenty-five = _____

5. twenty-nine – thirteen – ten = _________

6. thirty-nine – twenty – five =_________ 

7. twelve + thirteen – fifteen= _________

8. nineteen – eleven + twenty =___________

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