《What would you like?》PPT课件5

《What would you like?》PPT课件5《What would you like?》PPT课件5

《What would you like?》PPT课件5





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介   绍

Teaching aim:

1 Knowledge aim :review the words: bread  egg milk water

2 Ability aim:

(1)Make sentence with those four words.

(2)Develop students’imagination

3 Emotion aim:

(1)Be confident during studying English

(2)Learn to cooperate with others and communicate with their partners

(3)Get fun from English sthdying.

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Step1 Warming up


T:Hi boys and girls. Glad to see you again.

S:  Glad to see you Miss —–

T:  Are you all here?

S: Yes ,we are all here.

T: Are you all happy?

S: We are.

T:Ok,today we will review Unit 3.

Step2 Presentation

Yesterday we learn four new words

they  are:bread 、egg、water、milk


rice   fish   beef  soup   noodles   vegetable 

大米  鱼     牛肉  汤        面条           蔬菜

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Let’s chant

Pass me the fork.

Pass me the knife.

Pass me rice and noodles, too.

Pass me the plate.

Pass me the spoon.

Pass me fish and vegetables, too.

… … …

Let’s find out

Choose the best answer.

(     ) 1、What would you like for dinner?

(     ) 2、 Everything’s ready.

(     ) 3、 Can I have some noodles, please?

A、Thank you.

B、Sure. Here you are.

C、I’d like some vegetables.

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一 words      二sentence                  

bread  面包    What would you like?

egg   鸡蛋      I like ……

milk   牛奶     Do you like……? 

water 水        Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

三 practice:Make sentence  with them.

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2.试用句型What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…  询问家人或朋友,制作一份他们所喜爱的晚饭菜单.

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