《She's a nurse》PPT课件4

《Shes a nurse》PPT课件4《Shes a nurse》PPT课件4

《She’s a nurse》PPT课件4

Let’s chant

He’s a doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor.

She’s a teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher.

He is my father, father, father, father.

She is my mother, mother, mother, mother.

Look and say      用he/she填空。

____ is a doctor.

_____is a teacher.

_____is a doctor.

_____is a teacher.

… … …

This is my grandma,grandma,grandma.

She is a nurse, nurse, nurse.

This is my grandpa,grandpa,grandpa.

He is a policeman, policeman, policeman.

This is my daddy,daddy,daddy.

He is a driver, driver, driver.

This is my mother,mother,mother.

She is a teacher,teacher,teacher.

This is my brother,brother,brother.

He is a doctor,doctor,doctor.

This is me,me,me.

I am a pupil, pupil, pupil, pupil.

… … …

Let’s play a game:

One student does an action, the other student guess“What’s he/she? ”一个同学做动作,另一个同学猜他/她是干什么的.

I want to be a…

driver, farmer,  doctor, policeman, teacher, nurse, worker(工人),dancer (舞蹈家)footballer(足球队员) singer(歌手)…


1.Introduce your family members.


2.Talk about your dream.


关键词:《She’s a nurse》教学课件,外研版一起点一年级下册英语课件,一年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《She’s a nurse》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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