《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件

《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件

《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件

Let’s chant.

Where, where, where’s the pencil?

In, in ,in the desk.

Where, where, where’s the bird?

On, on ,on the book.

Where, where, where’s the cat?

Under, under ,under the bed.

… … …

Where’s the green ruler?

Is it on / in / under the —— ?

It’s in the desk.

It’s on the box.

It’s under the chair.

… … …

Where’s the cat?

It’s under the box.

Where’s the Panda?

It’s in the box.

Where’s the dog?

It’s on the bed.

关键词:《The toy car is under the bed》教学课件,外研版一起点一年级下册英语课件,一年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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