《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件4

《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件4《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件4

《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件4

Let’s say a chant.

In, in,in the box.

On, on, on the desk.

Under, under,under the chair.

Where’s the …?

It’s under the box.

It’s in the box.

It’s on the box.

… … …


用in, on, under来描述物品的位置。


Where’s the bear?

The bear is under the bed.

Where’s the toy car?

The toy car is under the bed.

Where’s the kite?

The kite is under the bed.

… … …

Listen and repeat

Where’s the cat?

It’s under the box.

Where’s the Panda?

It’s in the box.

Where’s the dog?

It’s on the bed.

关键词:《The toy car is under the bed》教学课件,外研版一起点一年级下册英语课件,一年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《The toy car is under the bed》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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